Thursday, 19 January 2012

Gratitude Moment!

I spend a lot of time in a cynical mood, complaining about what I don't have, or at least focusing on it.
Let me turn that around and take a moment to appreciate... no, let me be dorky and capitalize that for emphasis like a religious person would: APPRECIATE what I do have.
I have dedicated, loving readers who trust me and take the time to read my writing, which is the greatest honor I could possibly have. I almost feel dirty selling my work, because these people are so kind and sweet and their feedback is so precious to me, and so uplifting to my soul that I couldn't do without it.
Money has always been a great motivator for me in my life, but writing is the one thing that has always been separate from money. I kept writing sacred.

I don't know how I'm going to do this... I don't know how I'm going to mix up love and money, and get married to my work with no prenuptial agreement!

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